Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cirrhosis Diet Plan

What Should My Cirrhosis Diet Plan Look Like?

An important part of your cirrhosis diet plan is to implement a complete abstinence from alcohol. Alcohol simply destroys your liver and will have serious consequences if consumed with cirrhosis.

Your liver has the very important role of converting your food into stored energy that can be used by the body to function properly. When the liver is damaged, it needs to be treated especially well to assume its normal functionality. Part of treating your liver well, is to keep sodium, and simple sugar intake low, and your protein intake high. We'll get into further detail as to what that means below.

Low Sodium

Your sodium intake typically needs to be regulated and/or restricted with cirrhosis. Unfortunately, this means no salt on your eggs, steak, or ice cream! However, salt is an acquired taste, so, just like any difficult habit it will get easier as time goes on.

The biggest and most difficult hurdle could also be the foods that come pre-packaged with masses of sodium. Foods to be on the lookout for would be your processed meats and cheeses, canned soups, and frozen dinners. Most experts will tell you that 2000 milligrams of sodium per day would be the max you would want to ingest, but always consult your doctor or health professional for the best advice in this regard.

Adequate Protein

Another important aspect of your cirrhosis diet plan will be to ingest an adequate, but not excessive, amount of protein in your diet. Protein is necessary in repairing and maintaining your body tissue, especially your liver!

Many persons dealing with cirrhosis tend to better absorb and use protein from plant and dairy sources rather than from meat and poultry. And, consequently, your diet should reflect that tendency, being comprised of nuts, seeds, yogurt, etc. Large amounts of animal proteins in your diet can lead to a condition called encephalopathy, so your protein intake with cirrhosis should be handled with great caution.

Low Fat

As the largest organ in your body, your liver plays a greatly multi functional role. And, as such, persons dealing with cirrhosis often experience difficulty digesting fat in their diet as well. A good guideline to use for your fat intake would be to try and keep the total calories of fat in your diet to around 25%. And, as a general principle for a healthy diet, and for it's liver protecting qualities, try to ingest a good portion of that fat from Omega-3 fatty acids, found in food such as salmon, walnuts, and flaxseed oil.

So, What Now?

Now you know what elements of the your cirrhosis diet plan you need to look for, but how do you ensure that you are getting the right nutrition, eating at the right times of the day, and consuming the right foods?

Here are a few basic suggestions:

  • Eat several smaller portioned meals throughout the day (4 -7), rather than 3 large meals. (much less taxing on your liver)
  • Look for a good multi-vitamin that's easily soluble, organic, and contains the nutrients your body needs. (to replace those vitamins your liver couldn't handle)
  • Replace your intake of animal fat and animal protein with some good supplements, such as nutritional bars, shakes, and spirulina.
  • Drink lots of water, get normal rest, and lots of sunshine.

But, if you're still looking for a specific diet plan to work with your cirrhosis, check out this new system by FITworks: Cirrhosis Diet Plan & get a personal diet coach, accountability with others, and tons of valuable meal plans.

Brandon Walsh is considered an expert author in the fields of nutrition, homeopathy, and kinesiology and is the owner of a popular website dedicated to providing Healthy Dieting Tips which publishes a free informational healthy living newsletter.

Cure Ringing Ears - Natural Cure For Tinnitus

Looking to cure ringing ears? Read on as this article will reveal to you a powerful formula you can use to cure your ringing ears at no time. Ringing ears or popularly known as tinnitus is a popular hearing disorder nowadays.

As with what I had suffered a few years ago this can be quite annoying distracting you from your works and activities. Medical treatment wouldn't help either. I had gone to many doctors several times only to find out their treatments cost me a lot of money for nothing but temporary relief.

1. Curious For The Cause

At the beginning I thought the cause of my ringing ears is because of virus, but this turned out later on not true. The cause of tinnitus is not a virus but more simple than that: unhealthy lifestyle and loud music. These are the most common cause for many people.

However, there are other causes that can have same potential to make you get tinnitus such as physical trauma, ear wax and ear infection.

2. Beware Of Stress

Stress can have a toll upon your tinnitus making it even worse. There are some cases where the cause of their tinnitus is solely because of stress, and once your stress level is reduced, your tinnitus symptoms will completely go away.

Learn some relaxation techniques such as meditation, breathing techniques and yoga can help lessen your tinnitus. According to recent scientific research, these relaxation techniques can also increase your immune system, so it is something worth to learn.

3. Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic treatment is the only treatment with proven track record that can cure your tinnitus permanently. The good thing about this form of treatment is that the treatment is usually cheap; you can find all the ingredients necessary to perform homeopathic treatment at your local grocery stores for the cost of $10 or less.

Talking about herbal remedy, gingko biloba also has been known to have an effect of soothing and helping in the healing process of your ears. You can find gingko biloba in ready made package at your local health and food stores.

Ringing ears or better known as tinnitus can be annoying, distracting you from your day to day activities. Medical treatment only gives some reliefs but not curing tinnitus permanently, therefore it is better to take natural treatment that has a proven track record such as homeopathic treatment.

To lessen your tinnitus condition you can use several relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga.

If you want to cure your ringing ears problem naturally and permanently, i recommend Geoff Barker Cure For Tinnitus guide. Read my cure for tinnitus review and learn how you can cure your tinnitus naturally.

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