Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Self Hypnosis For Relaxation

When think about it for a moment, most adults get to a point in their busy lives where all they wish for is some private time, time alone. When using relaxation hypnosis this is what you are getting, time alone. Unfortunately too many people strategize a way to get time alone by engaging in some negative habit is their excuse for the time for themselves. Why not just demand the time and use it in a manner? The main reason is people think they need a reason for some personal time but that's just not true.

Whenever sit or are in a busy environment and drift off, zone out, space out, call it what you will, we enter the state known as the hypnotic state. We do this especially when we are driving on a highway. How many times have you driven a distance and didn't realize the time that went by or the fact that you drove just fine? It happens all the time. When we use hypnosis and relaxation intentionally we can then use this natural process we experience to enhance our lives.

When using the process of hypnosis, relax your and your body will follow. When people or use hypnosis they seem to always focus on relaxing their body but that happens automatically. Don't we always sit and read, watch TV or listen to music and our bodies relax while the mind is active? To correctly and effectively use hypnosis relax your inner self, all that mind chatter.

When in a self hypnosis relaxation you can feel your feet in the warm, smooth, white sand of a tropical beach, hear the sounds of the waves, see the colors of the water, palm trees and flowers and even smell the ocean air and feel the warm breeze blowing across your skin. You can create the reality you desire while in a self hypnosis relaxation and remove daily stresses and pressure. This allows you to be calmer and more productive during your day while having a better overall attitude and positive mindset.

People from all cultures in all parts of the world have used trance inducing rhythms, chants, dances and relaxation techniques which all lead to the same thing; the same thing that happens when we use meditation or get help with self hypnosis. We access our inner self, the subconscious mind and it is in that deeper, inner part of us where we can do things that cannot be done on the surface with our analytical thinking conscious mind.

For personal freedom from issues, negative behaviors and harmful thoughts guided hypnosis and hypnosis for self help have proven to be very effective. The added benefit is there are no side effects for this is a natural process of using your imaginative and creative mind. We can also access those deeper, blocked, inner feelings more easily, comfortably, and honestly when we go within ourselves using hypnosis and self hypnosis techniques.

There are surely ways to 'live smarter and not harder" and the key is to be more relaxed, calm and focused emotionally and mentally and using self hypnosis for a better life is such a way. When we clear our negativity, our tension and stress we are able to be our better self and be more focused and less distracted on real life. Too often people get so caught up in all the things that just don't matter and create worry and stress but self hypnosis for a better life is obviously a healthier choice.

Self hypnosis has been used for centuries to help people relax. Find out how you can use Hypnosis & Hypnosis Self Help in your daily life.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ancient Chinese Strength & Health Secrets

Many do not think about mediation to grow stronger, it may seem strange to westerners, but in certain parts China its part of their everyday thoughts.

Wu Dang mountains

In the Dang mountains they have been with meditation for thousands of years. Of course it is just part of a overall health system.

Internal or soft styles of Chinese martial art are sometimes referred to as Wu Ddang styles regardless of whether they originated in or were developed in the temples of the Wudang Mountains, just as external or "hard" styles are sometimes called Shaolin regardless of whether the individual style traces its origins to the Shaolin tradition or not. Exercises improve strength without constant worrying about trying growing large muscles. Its all about increasing the electrical force that contracts muscles. Exercises and eastern meditations to increase the natural internal force, your life force, your Chi power.

Strength is more than just muscle, its mind over matter."

Just imagine improving your overall health and mental focus. Rather than simply trying to increase muscle size, think about muscle strength.

The dynamic generation of this power is done through stillness, movements, meditations, visualizations and certain physical exercises. We can actually control this energy force. We can use it to protect our self, or strengthen our muscles.

Gaining energy must be drawn from many sources. No one technique will do. It must be a complete system of living. It must encompass internal exercises - mind training, external training - physical training. It must include what you eat, drink, breathe, your environment, your companions, what you see and read. we do effects us down to a cellular level. This type of training system will super charge you a cellular level.

""Key to perfect health"

And that is the key to perfect health taking of yourself down to the cellular level, does your cells have enough water to flush out toxins, does it have the energy it needs to preform all the functions of a healthy cell. Surprisingly food we eat is not so much the mass of food, but the energy it contains and all natural food contains stored sunlight. We actually eat sunlight, remember when we burn a log we are releasing stored sunlight.

Gerald Hall author of the best seller "Bio-Electric" how to increase muscle contraction force, Ancient Chinese Strength & Health Secrets - http://www.strongmensecrets.com

Also 7 Best Ways to Stimulate Muscle Growth. - http://www.strongmensecrets.com

Gerald is a trainer and author dedicated to research into super strength. His intention is to reveal -- for the first time anywhere -- the principals and strategies that will your body and mind. Classic Strongmen Secrets from real strongmen.

Stress Or No Stress, Manage It Before It's Too Late

Stress Management can enable you to recognize signs and symptoms of stress and learn what happens in your body when you experience it.

Stress management takes time and work to learn why you're stressed, and figure out what to do about your stress. Stress is related to many including diabetes and heart disease. Stress Management is the ability to maintain control when situations, people, and events make excessive demands.


Techniques of stress management will vary according to the theoretical paradigm adhered to, but may include some of the following:

-Autogenic training
-Cognitive therapy
-Conflict resolution
-Exercise Meditation
-Deep breathing
-Time management to certain types of relaxing music
-Techniques that help you do this include journaling as a way to better understand your patterns, examining your beliefs and attitudes, and stress resiliency. Stress management is a collection of skills, tools, and techniques that help you reduce, manage, and even counteract the negative side-effects of stress.


Physical activity for stress reduction can be fun. Physical tiredness, exhaustion and depression only a few of the stress symptoms caused by unmanaged stress that can lead to burnout. Effective stress management is one of the most important things you can do to improve your and physical health. Stress management is not only an need in today's fast-paced lifestyle, but an important factor in both physical and mental health. Stress can be defined as any type of change that causes physical, emotional or psychological strain. When stress begins to take its toll, we may experience both physical and psychological effects. It has physical and emotional effects on us and can create negative feelings. Do you have any of the symptoms of stress like illness, frustration, insomnia, regrets, fatigue, pain, arguments, injuries, nervousness, mood swings, failure, anxiety, agitation, embarrassment, physical discomforts, worries, humiliation, depression, headaches, phobias, debts, back aches, rejection, conflicts, fear, unfairness, indigestion, dizziness, hyperventilation, anger, remorse, inferiority complex, alienation, guilt, defensiveness, career pressures, violence, pessimism, sadness, despair, aggression, shame, excuses, lies, panic, confusion, resentment, and feeling out of control.


However, stress control most often include a combination of exercise, relaxation techniques (deep breathing or meditation exercises), adhering to a regular sleep cycle, and proper nutrition. Have you ever been lulled into relaxation by the flickering firelight of a fireplace? Many people use specific relaxation techniques including yoga, meditation and breathing techniques. There are many kinds of relaxation techniques.

Stress can come in many forms and effect many parts of lives. How we choose to deal with it will determine whether or not we will ever have balance in our lives.

LA is an established free lance writer who enjoys writing articles to give consumers enough information to make informed decisions.

For more information on health and fitness and a variety of other topics visit LA's site Best Life.

For more information on self help and motivation visit LA's site Man in the mirror.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cirrhosis Diet Plan

What Should My Cirrhosis Diet Plan Look Like?

An important part of your cirrhosis diet plan is to implement a complete abstinence from alcohol. Alcohol simply destroys your liver and will have serious consequences if consumed with cirrhosis.

Your liver has the very important role of converting your food into stored energy that can be used by the body to function properly. When the liver is damaged, it needs to be treated especially well to assume its normal functionality. Part of treating your liver well, is to keep sodium, and simple sugar intake low, and your protein intake high. We'll get into further detail as to what that means below.

Low Sodium

Your sodium intake typically needs to be regulated and/or restricted with cirrhosis. Unfortunately, this means no salt on your eggs, steak, or ice cream! However, salt is an acquired taste, so, just like any difficult habit it will get easier as time goes on.

The biggest and most difficult hurdle could also be the foods that come pre-packaged with masses of sodium. Foods to be on the lookout for would be your processed meats and cheeses, canned soups, and frozen dinners. Most experts will tell you that 2000 milligrams of sodium per day would be the max you would want to ingest, but always consult your doctor or health professional for the best advice in this regard.

Adequate Protein

Another important aspect of your cirrhosis diet plan will be to ingest an adequate, but not excessive, amount of protein in your diet. Protein is necessary in repairing and maintaining your body tissue, especially your liver!

Many persons dealing with cirrhosis tend to better absorb and use protein from plant and dairy sources rather than from meat and poultry. And, consequently, your diet should reflect that tendency, being comprised of nuts, seeds, yogurt, etc. Large amounts of animal proteins in your diet can lead to a condition called encephalopathy, so your protein intake with cirrhosis should be handled with great caution.

Low Fat

As the largest organ in your body, your liver plays a greatly multi functional role. And, as such, persons dealing with cirrhosis often experience difficulty digesting fat in their diet as well. A good guideline to use for your fat intake would be to try and keep the total calories of fat in your diet to around 25%. And, as a general principle for a healthy diet, and for it's liver protecting qualities, try to ingest a good portion of that fat from Omega-3 fatty acids, found in food such as salmon, walnuts, and flaxseed oil.

So, What Now?

Now you know what elements of the your cirrhosis diet plan you need to look for, but how do you ensure that you are getting the right nutrition, eating at the right times of the day, and consuming the right foods?

Here are a few basic suggestions:

  • Eat several smaller portioned meals throughout the day (4 -7), rather than 3 large meals. (much less taxing on your liver)
  • Look for a good multi-vitamin that's easily soluble, organic, and contains the nutrients your body needs. (to replace those vitamins your liver couldn't handle)
  • Replace your intake of animal fat and animal protein with some good supplements, such as nutritional bars, shakes, and spirulina.
  • Drink lots of water, get normal rest, and lots of sunshine.

But, if you're still looking for a specific diet plan to work with your cirrhosis, check out this new system by FITworks: Cirrhosis Diet Plan & get a personal diet coach, accountability with others, and tons of valuable meal plans.

Brandon Walsh is considered an expert author in the fields of nutrition, homeopathy, and kinesiology and is the owner of a popular website dedicated to providing Healthy Dieting Tips which publishes a free informational healthy living newsletter.

Cure Ringing Ears - Natural Cure For Tinnitus

Looking to cure ringing ears? Read on as this article will reveal to you a powerful formula you can use to cure your ringing ears at no time. Ringing ears or popularly known as tinnitus is a popular hearing disorder nowadays.

As with what I had suffered a few years ago this can be quite annoying distracting you from your works and activities. Medical treatment wouldn't help either. I had gone to many doctors several times only to find out their treatments cost me a lot of money for nothing but temporary relief.

1. Curious For The Cause

At the beginning I thought the cause of my ringing ears is because of virus, but this turned out later on not true. The cause of tinnitus is not a virus but more simple than that: unhealthy lifestyle and loud music. These are the most common cause for many people.

However, there are other causes that can have same potential to make you get tinnitus such as physical trauma, ear wax and ear infection.

2. Beware Of Stress

Stress can have a toll upon your tinnitus making it even worse. There are some cases where the cause of their tinnitus is solely because of stress, and once your stress level is reduced, your tinnitus symptoms will completely go away.

Learn some relaxation techniques such as meditation, breathing techniques and yoga can help lessen your tinnitus. According to recent scientific research, these relaxation techniques can also increase your immune system, so it is something worth to learn.

3. Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic treatment is the only treatment with proven track record that can cure your tinnitus permanently. The good thing about this form of treatment is that the treatment is usually cheap; you can find all the ingredients necessary to perform homeopathic treatment at your local grocery stores for the cost of $10 or less.

Talking about herbal remedy, gingko biloba also has been known to have an effect of soothing and helping in the healing process of your ears. You can find gingko biloba in ready made package at your local health and food stores.

Ringing ears or better known as tinnitus can be annoying, distracting you from your day to day activities. Medical treatment only gives some reliefs but not curing tinnitus permanently, therefore it is better to take natural treatment that has a proven track record such as homeopathic treatment.

To lessen your tinnitus condition you can use several relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga.

If you want to cure your ringing ears problem naturally and permanently, i recommend Geoff Barker Cure For Tinnitus guide. Read my cure for tinnitus review and learn how you can cure your tinnitus naturally.

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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Get a Grasp and Try to Let it Go

Did those boundaries work out for you? Checked the perimeters lately? Or maybe you forgot where they were. Did you just end up in a prison of your own making?

You've got to keep your grasp on all of this, so you can let it go properly.

I am kind of making fun of things so many of us have worked hard at, or worked hard at teaching. But I'm not really making fun of it, I'm just trying to reiterate where we've been with some humor.

So now, we have a whole new atmosphere of optimism and new reality creation. We have The Law of Attraction. We can create everything from scratch.

But what if you are in the middle of an awkward career, tricky marriage, or not-so-good state of health? It's already been created and has some pretty serious momentum going. Scratch was over long ago....

Remember how before digital technology existed we had film? There were frames of film in a strip, and in between there was nothing - blank material. You only saw it if the film slowed down or got stuck, and then everybody started yelling at the guy up in the booth.

I've been told that the universe is like that. On, and off, and then on, and off. Kind of like one, then zero, then one... or another analogy; radio music, white noise, radio music, white noise, as you turn the dial on your radio, or transfer digitally but don't hit right on the station.

Fine tuning with radios so you get right on the signal of the station is the optimum result. You don't want that nothingness. Or do you? What is it good for?

That nothingness is also called the Oceanic Bliss, the Quantum Field, the Void. It's kind of nothing just because there is no name that quite applies. It is multi-dimensional. It is the deep well of Potentiality out of which you can create. Even when you are already in the middle of something. That's exciting! It's scratch!

You can start again right now. You don't have to wipe it all away and destroy to create! Destroy/Create is a duality. In this dimension's spectrum of vibrations. On your typical everyday radio with its limited bandwidth.

But in between the frames of the film of your life, there are the no-zones. As in between the moments of your life there is the no-time zone. The multi-dimensional area. And you KNOW what to do with this as soon as you get a sense of it, because you are a multi-dimensional being. You've already got The Dream Radio.

How do you dial in here? It's not impossible, because part of you is always there. You're not all here! That's the good news! One way to dial into it, is to take one deep breath during which you do nothing mentally. Then another, and another, and another. Doing nothing mentally is the hard part. We are so on automatic with thought, even happy thoughts. It's like we have an automation that keeps it going even when we don't want to. But you just practice.

There are stages of meditation, this dialing in activity, and you can read about it from the experts. Breathing, and just breathing, is a simple way to meditate. You experience more of your own presence. Then you experience more of The Presence. Then you get a sense that there is no separation. Or something like that. Again, our everyday dimensionally oriented language does not describe it exactly.

So, going into this no-time/no-space zone is a way of getting into this potential energy field where all is created. It gives you peace of mind. In fact you don't even use your mind that's the whole point! You don't need it.

You experience a wonderful frequency of peace and joy and happiness and feeling good. Which matches the wonderful outcomes you have been envisioning or journaling about, or listing, or viewing in the physical universe. So now you and those desired situations are occupying the same frequency.

It seems then, that if you meditate and experience Presence, and it is blissful, you don't need to do anything else if you don't want to. The Law of Attraction will match life up to you. Choosing details doesn't necessarily mess it up, but the feeling, the vibration, is the important factor. Because whether it arrives in green or blue, the universe is not going to mess it up.

The breathing and meditation helps you stop hanging onto stuff. You keep living and make the wisest choices you can every day, and The Law of Attraction does the reality creation, taking all its cues from you. Breeeeathe deeply.

Change your life - learn effective tips to improve your use of the Law of Attraction, and Manifest A Miracle to change your life direction.

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Relaxation Is A Key To Success In Panic Attack Treatment

The pace of life is very fast today. So no wonder that there have appeared many new diseases that didn't even existed on such a large scale in the previous centuries. They are various stresses, panic disorder, anxiety attacks and panic attacks. The problem of panic attacks is very topical as the number of people who suffer from panic attacks is increasing. A panic attack is a sudden surge of fear that comes without any obvious reasons and takes a sufferer aback. During panic attacks a sufferer feels very tense and scared. A sufferer might experience other symptoms like hurried pulse, giddiness, sweatiness,sickness, intensive heartbeat and at last fear that almost paralyzes all the organs.

No doubt doctors help to overcome panic attacks but why not try to get over this disease without swallowing all those antidepressants. On the one hand, you can learn various relaxation techniques. On the other hand, changing your lifestyle would be appropriate to the occasion.

Lots of beneficial exercises like yoga, meditation, breathing exercises are aimed at progressive relaxation of all the body. With their help we can relieve stress, to concentrate on positive things and get rid of obsessive ideas. Moreover all the mentioned exercises heal vulnerable spots of our body (poor eyesight, gastric ulcer, impotence, insomnia etc.).

People that are liable to stress and panic attacks are usually pressed for time. That's why they sleep too little and eat on rare occasions. It is advisable to reconsider sleeping hours and eating habits. Meditation or breathing exercises before going to bed would be a brilliant idea and excellent treatment at the same time.

A combination of good music and aromatherapy is a very fashionable cure. Music helps to relax and raises our mood. Various scents influence our feelings and make us forget about all the problems and worries. It turns out to be a source of encouragement and emotional fulfillment.

A sufferer needs to shape the character and to change the attitude to life. There also exist the so-called supportive groups who help to struggle against panic attacks. Usually they are people who used to suffer from panic themselves. They can share their personal experience of overcoming attacks and even become close friends. Positive attitude to life, high level of self-esteem will contribute as well.

Finally you can consult your doctor in case everything you tried was useless.

For more information on panic attacks please visit Panic Attack Treatment Space and Anxiety Disorders Relief sites or Blog About Panic Attack Symptoms and Remedies

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