Did those boundaries work out for you? Checked the perimeters lately? Or maybe you forgot where they were. Did you just end up in a prison of your own making?
You've got to keep your grasp on all of this, so you can let it go properly.
I am kind of making fun of things so many of us have worked hard at, or worked hard at teaching. But I'm not really making fun of it, I'm just trying to reiterate where we've been with some humor.
So now, we have a whole new atmosphere of optimism and new reality creation. We have The Law of Attraction. We can create everything from scratch.
But what if you are in the middle of an awkward career, tricky marriage, or not-so-good state of health? It's already been created and has some pretty serious momentum going. Scratch was over long ago....
Remember how before digital technology existed we had film? There were frames of film in a strip, and in between there was nothing - blank material. You only saw it if the film slowed down or got stuck, and then everybody started yelling at the guy up in the booth.
I've been told that the universe is like that. On, and off, and then on, and off. Kind of like one, then zero, then one... or another analogy; radio music, white noise, radio music, white noise, as you turn the dial on your radio, or transfer digitally but don't hit right on the station.
Fine tuning with radios so you get right on the signal of the station is the optimum result. You don't want that nothingness. Or do you? What is it good for?
That nothingness is also called the Oceanic Bliss, the Quantum Field, the Void. It's kind of nothing just because there is no name that quite applies. It is multi-dimensional. It is the deep well of Potentiality out of which you can create. Even when you are already in the middle of something. That's exciting! It's scratch!
You can start again right now. You don't have to wipe it all away and destroy to create! Destroy/Create is a duality. In this dimension's spectrum of vibrations. On your typical everyday radio with its limited bandwidth.
But in between the frames of the film of your life, there are the no-zones. As in between the moments of your life there is the no-time zone. The multi-dimensional area. And you KNOW what to do with this as soon as you get a sense of it, because you are a multi-dimensional being. You've already got The Dream Radio.
How do you dial in here? It's not impossible, because part of you is always there. You're not all here! That's the good news! One way to dial into it, is to take one deep breath during which you do nothing mentally. Then another, and another, and another. Doing nothing mentally is the hard part. We are so on automatic with thought, even happy thoughts. It's like we have an automation that keeps it going even when we don't want to. But you just practice.
There are stages of meditation, this dialing in activity, and you can read about it from the experts. Breathing, and just breathing, is a simple way to meditate. You experience more of your own presence. Then you experience more of The Presence. Then you get a sense that there is no separation. Or something like that. Again, our everyday dimensionally oriented language does not describe it exactly.
So, going into this no-time/no-space zone is a way of getting into this potential energy field where all is created. It gives you peace of mind. In fact you don't even use your mind that's the whole point! You don't need it.
You experience a wonderful frequency of peace and joy and happiness and feeling good. Which matches the wonderful outcomes you have been envisioning or journaling about, or listing, or viewing in the physical universe. So now you and those desired situations are occupying the same frequency.
It seems then, that if you meditate and experience Presence, and it is blissful, you don't need to do anything else if you don't want to. The Law of Attraction will match life up to you. Choosing details doesn't necessarily mess it up, but the feeling, the vibration, is the important factor. Because whether it arrives in green or blue, the universe is not going to mess it up.
The breathing and meditation helps you stop hanging onto stuff. You keep living and make the wisest choices you can every day, and The Law of Attraction does the reality creation, taking all its cues from you. Breeeeathe deeply.
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